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Jenn Hordemann

Jenn is a wife, mother of three, and registered nurse who has a love and passion for health and fitness. Jenn’s number one priority is her family. Her kids, Katy, Matthew, and Olivia are her pride and joy! When not working or teaching, she can be found watching her kids compete in swim, basketball, karate, baseball and dance. Jenn spent most of her career as a RN in the emergency department and currently works in day surgery at St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center. Her love for fitness started at an early age with the positive influence of her parents. Jenn ran track, cross country and was a dancer. She danced for the Utah State Aggiettes and then returned home where she danced and later directed the Idaho Stampede Dance Team. Jenn believes in making fitness a part of everyday life to strengthen physical longevity and mental health. When she started coaching at Cyclebar, she knew this was a community turned family she could not live without! Her goal is to give riders a challenging workout they would not do on their own yet leave them feeling strong, energized, uplifted, and welcomed! Jenn loves to challenge riders because she believes in everyone's physical and mental abilities, regardless of age or background. The one thing she loves most about CycleBar is the amazing community! She is grateful for the people she has met and the relationships she has gained.

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