

Michelle is the owner of CycleBar Melbourne with her husband Todd but you can also see me on stage as your lead Cyclestar! Michelle has been into fitness all her life. It all started in High-School where she played Varsity basketball starting in 6th grade all the way up to graduation. She ended her basketball career with the highest points of all time and now has her jersey retired, hanging up in her High-School gym. While in college, She got certified in Jazzercise, a dance/fitness program where she taught for 7 years. After getting married and having kids, I had to quit teaching. I missed it incredibly so when CycleBar came into my life I had my love for teaching back. Teaching fitness for me is such an amazing gift. Getting people to LOVE fitness again is my passion and I do that by making them love their workout, loving themselves and making them sweat. See you on the bike!

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