Born in Greensboro NC, Chloe, a Cum Lade graduate at NC A&T State University has a Bachelor's degree in Laboratory Animal Science, and a Masters in Integrated Animal Health. She has been with CycleBar Chapel Hill since their pop-up rides for the grand opening and has been committed ever since. She was inspired by the instructors, how they uplifted and celebrated her even when she didn’t feel confident. Overtime, this gave her strength, helped build her confidence, and develop a better mindset to consistently show up for herself. “Yes, you are THAT GIRL and you got this!” Words shared with her from a CycleBar Chapel Hill instructor, will forever resonate with her; and is why she wanted to become an instructor. She wants to have this same positive impact on riders. When Chloe is not working hard or hanging out at CycleBar, she spends her time watching movies, trying new restaurants, reading, and taking aesthetically pleasing pictures.